Since I have no idea what you are supposed to do on a blog it is most likely that this is where I will post random stuff I find on the internet and the other nuances of my life.

Little Miss Sunshine

First off, if you haven't seen this movie, you must, it is excellent. I am very excited that it got a nod from Mr. Oscar (not the grouch).
the other night my friend Jon and I had an argument about what this movie is really about. Is it about how people are losers like Jon thinks, or, as is more likely because it is my opinion, is it about family and in the end not only can we not escape the idiosyncrasies of our family members but also, they are the only part of our lives that is truly accepting of us. Our families are what keep us sane, even when our families are completely insane. aka I'm right and Jon's wrong. Olive was a winner no matter what frickin' little miss sunshine pageant says!

1 doodles:

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love that movie too! One of my favorites! xoxoxo