Since I have no idea what you are supposed to do on a blog it is most likely that this is where I will post random stuff I find on the internet and the other nuances of my life.


Who ever thought that Nintendo would not just market to couch potato latch key kids like myself but rather, to the diet enthusiast. I love that people are boasting about the diet power of the nintendo wii. So you have to get off your ass to play a video game with the new WII sports games, or wait, here's an idea, why don't you get off your ass and go outside and play a real game. Last time I checked there is no Nintendo Wii freeze tag or kick the can game. What's next virtual hop-scotch? Lazy kids.
on that note, I still want one.
Oh and be careful how you type Wii, no one wants a Nintendo World War II

0 doodles: